Skill Development Porgramme
Skill Development Programme
The College aims and make efforts to strengthen vocational education for NSQF as follows:
- Maximum Impact skills and sectors selected.
- Subsidized free structure to provide accessibility.
- Skills for Women-hair, Dressing, Beauty Therapy, Teaching, Driving.
- College administered ‘Train the Teachers’.
- Placement assistance connecting students to jobs.
- Building pathway for local and global development.
- Recognition of prior learning.
- Short duration focused and modules programs.
- Practical hands-on focus.
- Delivery in the local language.
- A network of Departments.
- Full Day, Half Day or weekend Programs.
- Full mobility between formal, Vocational Stream of education and the Job market with multi point Entry and Exit.
The College under the State Government of India, Bihar intends to initiate convergence efforts across the skill ecosystem under “Skill India Mission” (SIM), and is committed to implement skill Development Scheme/Programmes offered and aided by the Central/State Government of India, Bihar to enhance skill levels of its students on pan India basis. The College intends to offer collaboration with the Department of School Education and Literacy (DOSEL) in implementing Scheme of Vocationalisation of its Education under centrally sponsored Scheme-Samaera Shiksha by aligning it with skill India Mission. Under the Scheme, the College intends to initiate NSQF Compliant Vocational Courses.
The College Developed an Education System with humanistic, ethical, constitutional, universal human values of truth (Satya), righteous conduct (ahimsa), Scientific temper, citizenship values and also like skills at its core to create students human resource of the country who are global citizen, compassionately to solve problems and have resilience.
- The College has taken a unique initiative with understanding the need for designing a possible credit structure that all students take at least one vocational course before graduating.
- The College intends to engage the services of industry veterans and Master Crafts persons to facilitate vocational skills.
- The College offers its students vocational education in ODL/blended/On-campus/off campus modular modes.
- The College in association with NSDC intends provided facilitation to all this by designing a unified platform to manage learner enrolment.
- The College is desirous of providing planned and skilling courses to be offered to students through online and/or distance mode.
The College under the leadership of its visionary Principal, following guidelines provided by the state and central Government in this direction for setting up College of Excellence in skilling ecosystem. The core functioning of the College of Excellence’s focusing areas are:
- To conduct high Quality Training in specific sectors.
- To develop association between academia and industry for skill development.
- To continuously conduct Research and Development in related fields.
- To support creative and innovative proposals.
- To upgrade the College’s technical capacity and information architecture.
- To establish a more innovative College base for executing programmes/projects by strengthening the existing infrastructure.
- To foster relations across Colleges/Universities.
- To create network of nearby Colleges.