Program Outcome & Course Outcome
Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the institution.
Mechanism of Communication:
The College adopts Outcome based education rather than input oriented bellØ shaped curve of learning. The following mechanism is followed by the institution to communicate the learning outcomes to the teachers and students.
At least five hours are spent by the teachers for introducing the subject to the Students.
Learning Outcomes of the Programs and Courses are observed and measured periodically.
Soft Copy of Curriculum and Learning Outcomes of Programmes and Courses are uploaded on the Institution website for reference.
The importance of the learning outcomes has been communicated to the teachers in every IQAC Meeting and Staff Meeting.
The students are also communicated about the Programme outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course outcomes through Tutorial Meetings.
Identify the most relevant concepts that arise in everyday life, and devise a strategy in order to arrive at the solutions in the respective subjects and are made to understand the connection between key concepts and applications.
Use software tools and coding at a level necessary to perform mathematical operations, statistical analysis and simulations in solving complex problems.
Locate existing scientific research relevant to a given topic, and evaluate its accuracy.