Quality Initiative
Quality Initiative
The College reviewed its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the first cycle incremental improvement for the preceding year with regard to quality. For the second and subsequent cycles, incremental improvements made for the preceding year with regard to quality and post accreditation quality initiatives in various activities as follows:

- Internal Quality Assurance Cell established in the College in the year 2010 has been continuously working to ensure quality and excellence in all the major and minor activities of the college. It has played a crucial role in the College reviewing its teaching learning procedure, structures and methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals;
- IQAC with the support of the departmental Heads and the Principal has taken measures to arrange computers with internet access in the office and computer lab for its fast and efficient functioning.
- IQAC has organized in association with other committees or departments various programs and events for augmenting the teaching and learning quality in the institution with the detailed examples