Millat College


Department of Chemistry

Year of Establishment: 13.07.1964

About The Department

The Department of Chemistry at Millat College, a prestigious constituent unit of Lalit Narayan Mithila Darbhanga,Bihar.the department of Chemistry was one of the nice departments with which the academic journey of millat college began in 1964.The department provides a nice and suitable environment for curious andinventiveyoungsters. Faculty members are available to the students as academic advisor todiscuss courses, chemistry and career opportunities.

Departmental Notice

Empty Notice
The teaching methods employed are in the form of classroomlectures, smartclassroom lectures using power-point presentation and practical classesinthelaboratories. The basic infrastructure available in the laboratoriesareconductometer, pH-meter, potentiometer, spectro-colorimeter, Digital balance, chromatographic apparatus, TLC apparatus, Melting point apparatus, Dryer, multiplesuction pump, Hot air oven, various chemicals and computer server. Besides, Department also have its own library unit.


Our vision is to create an ecosystem of academic excellence, sustainable development and effective resource management. We are trying to provide best educational opportunities that are responsive to the needs of our students, and empower them to meet and exceed challenges as active participants in shaping the future of our world.


We are committed to give a holistic approach towards education with the aim of creating responsible and sensitive human beings and not just holders of academic degrees. Our department provides students with quality educational experiences and support services that lead to the successful completion of degrees, career guidance and basic skills proficiency. We seek to give need-based and skill enhancing education to cope with the changing requirement of society.

Facilities of the Department

Students in the Department of Chemistry have access to many different opportunities and enhancements meant to further their content knowledge as well as their academic careers.

Department Rules


Programs Offered & Intake Capacity


B.A. Honours in Chemistry


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Programme-Specific Outcome & Course Outcome

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Curriculum Plan

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Study Material

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Student Progression Report

YearPrograme CodeNumber of students appeared in Final year examinationNumber of students passed in Final year examination

Total No of Department Books : 691

Student Progression Report

Department Faculties

NameDesignationPhoneE-mailPhotoView Profile
Dr. Siyaram PrasadAssociate Professor &
Dr. Md. MushtaqueGuest Teacher9891717992,
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