Millat College

Maintenance Policy

Maintenance Policy

For the College/University/Institution, resources are of utmost importance. Resources are required for maintenance, sustenance as well as for the growth of the organization. The main source of funds for the College is through aids which it receives from the Government for salary as well as non-salary expenses. Moreover, UGC also gives grants for schemes as proposed by the College. These funds utilizes for the sanction purpose. The Institution has proper mechanism to monitor efficiently the available resources. The college obtains proposals from the concerned departments whenever required. After estimating the projected income for an academic year, the Principal sends it for approval to the Governing body. Once it is approved by the governing body, the principal himself is assigned with some fund to allot the budget to each department as required. After the allocation, the departments can avail the financial resources within the given limit. Purchases which consider as day to day expenditure are made with the approval of the Principal and Accountant. Any major expenditure like Tenders/quotations from the various vendors is undertaken with the approval of the governing body. The amounts withdrawn from the banks follow a systematic mechanism of obtaining the approval at various levels. Organisation of workshops, conferences, seminars and symposiums are organised in relevant areas. Alumni network is strengthened by organising meetings, honouring alumni and by opening up of alumni chapters wherever possible.

Maintenance of library

For maintenances of library infra-structure and facilities, the library committee and administration have been given the responsibility to purchase, procure books, E-Journals and other materials, as per the recommendations received from the departments of the colleges. For enriching of the library, the committee procures some good publications from national and international publishers. Students able to take books by showing library cards during office hours and Teachers has the facilities to read, borrow the books from library. We have offline library maintenance software and have a proposal for complete digitization of library in coming years.

Maintenance of the laboratory

The laboratory equipments and the necessary chemicals are purchased by the office of the principal and purchase committee as per the requirements of the teaching departments of the college. The Science students of the college are taught and trained about the use and maintenance of laboratory items.

Maintenance of the sport facilities

Sports Committee takes the responsibilities of the maintenances of the sport facilities. The necessary goods and sports articles are purchased by the office of the principal as per the recommendations of the sports committee and the suggestion of the students of the college. The college authority purchases them by calling quotations from the reputed sport outlets. Periodically necessary steps have taken by the authority to develop the sport activities of the students. Every year’s number of events taken place in our college campus playground. Some of the sports items are kept in boys’/girls’ common rooms/ IQAC room and given out for use of students under the monitoring of the Sports Committee Convener. Students with excellence and achievements are supported financially to the extent possible.

Maintenance of Computers and IT facilities

The office of the principal decides about purchasing necessary IT equipments as per recommendations received from the departments of the colleges and the administrative office of the college. IT facilities are maintained by computer skilled personnel of the college and they also take the responsibilities of periodic up-gradations of the IT resources. The IT facilities are taken stock of by the administrations and they are modified or changed whenever necessary. There is a Computer management and IT maintenance cell in the college which looks after the maintenance of the computers and facilities. Few part-time employees are also entrusted with use and maintenance of these facilities.

Classroom facilities

The maintenance of classrooms is a regular exercise. The cleanliness of classrooms is ensured by a group of Part-time workers and sweepers. After the admission process in every semester it is ensured that all the classrooms have adequate desks, benches. The fans and electrical appliances are checked wherever requirements are found the purchase committee are appraised of the requirements. The purchase committee makes the purchases after approval from the Principal. There are three projectors one in smart classrooms and rest are moving projectors.

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