ICT Classroom
ICT Classroom
The teachers and non-teaching staff at the College use ICT tools like Projectors, desktop, laptops, printers, photocopier machines, scanners, interactive panel with camera and bluetooth speaker, smart classroom and conference room/auditorium for effective teaching-learning process.
The College strongly believes integration of ICT with its education so as to encourage holistic growth of students combining latest technologies with traditional mode of instruction. The College uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to aid, enhance and optimize delivery of education. Few of ICT tools used by faculty are projectors, desktop and laptop, printers, photocopier machines, scanners, pen-drive, tablets and Digital Camera. Faculty enthusiastically adopt blended learning platforms like online classes through Zoom, google-meet, google-classroom, cisco-WebEx, electronic-textbooks, instructional software, email, chat, and distance learning programs for effective teachinglearning experiences. These platforms are used to provide course materials, syllabus, communication, conduct tests and presentations, upload assignments, address queries and doubts of students, mentor students besides conducting online and offline classes. The Press and newspaper are considered the important type of ICT tools. The process of knowledge sharing is significantly being enhanced through integrated approach of information and communication technology (ICT). The variables which assist in ICT enablement of knowledge sharing are known as enablers.
ICT enabled Room